Saturday, July 7, 2012

Red Dragon Lair

The lair of the red dragon is in the vapor lands of Terraheim.  This is a multilevel dungeon crawl with goblins and dire wolves in the first level, hobgoblins in the second level, ogres at the third level, magic on the fourth level, undead at the fifth level and the dragon at the sixth level.  Two sets of stairs and each arrow indicates descending one level.

The prominent cave entrance has pillars on either side.  Note that there are one way doors on each side of the entrance so if invaders are detected additional forces will arrive from areas 2, 4, 1, and 3.

1. Guard room.  3 goblins guard this main entrance.  Two are armed with spears and one with a scimitar.  There is a large sheet of iron hanging from the ceiling.  If this is struck it will alert creatures in areas 3, 4, 2, and 6 of intruders.  The door N leads outside, the door W leads to area 3, the door S leads down stairs to area 6.

2. Guard room 2.  2 goblins guard this room one armed with scimitar and spear.  The will use the secret door W to sneak up on invaders from behind.  There is a one way secret door leading to the outside from the adjacent passage.  There is a passage leading into this room that is 1-way into this room from the E (area 5).

3. Wolf Riders.  There are two dire wolves and two wolf riders armed with spears.  There is another goblin here armed with a scimitar.  The door E leads to the guard room 1 and the passage W leads to area 4.

4. There are 4 goblins here and 1 dire wolf.  There is a secret door N leading to the 1 way exit outside.  There is a door S that is a 1 way passage leading down a steeply descending passage way to the third level of the dungeon (ogres).  There is a barrel with 5 spears in this room.

5. Guard room.  There are 2 hobgoblins in this room one with a spear and the other with a scimitar.  The passage S leads to areas 6 and 7.  The hobgoblins are familiar with the secret door leading N and can use it to go up the steeply sloped passage to area 2.

6. Guard room.  There are 4 hobgoblins in this room.  2 with spears, 1 with a short sword and 1 with long bow quiver & 20 arrows.  The passage W leads up some stairs to area 1.  The passage E leads further into the hobgoblin areas.

7. Hobgoblin common room.  There are 5 hobgoblins here feeding.  There is a barrel with 5 spears in the corner.  Hobgoblins are armed with 2 long swords, 2 flails and 1 longbow.

The passage way leading SW out of this room has an interesting feature.  There is a panel that is activated by pressure panels represented by the dots on the map to swing to the position shown on the map. (sw)  There is a 1-way secret door that can lead into this passage from area 16.  There are two doors at the W end of this passage.  The door W leads down to level 3 (ogres) and the door S leads steeply down several flights of stairs to level 5 (undead.)

8.  Ogres Table.  There are 3 ogres in this room armed with great clubs.  There is a large stone table in this room that the ogres sit at and argue.  The ogre treasure is under the great stone table.  The steps to the E lead to level 2 (hobgoblins) the NE door leads up a steeply sloping passage to the goblins room but the one way door cannot be entered.  The passage NW leads to area 9.

9. Ogre guard.  There is a single ogre guard in this room armed with a great club.  The passage E leads to the ogres table.  The passage S leads down a flight of stairs to the 4th level.

10.  This room is filled with steam making difficult to see.  There is a pit in the NE corner that opens onto a pit of lava.  The door W leads up stairs to level 3 (ogres)  The passage S leads to a hall filled with boiling water 5 feet deep.

11.  Spell room.  This room has a swirling whirlwind of color in the E corner.  If it is disturbed it will cast a random spell on the characters.  It could be good or bad.  Spell level should be equal to the level of the characters.  There is a portal leading S to the adjacent room.

12. Remove Curses.  This room has a dais with a throne at the top of it.  Anyone sitting in the throne will have all curses removed and be restored to full health.  This device will only function once per day.  There is a portal leading N to the Spell Room.  There is a secret passage leading S and a 1 way door leading into the passage to 14 (level 5)

13.  Spectre.  There is a spectre lurking in this room.  It is very difficult to see on this level due to all of the steam and mist.  The passage S leads to area 14.

14. Statue Room.  There is a living statue in the center of this room.  The statue will answer 1 question if the PCs can answer a riddle.  The statue is familiar with all the areas of this dungeon.  This area is filled with steam and is uncomfortably warm but not yet dangerously hot.  The steps leading E begin to get so hot that characters start taking damage from it.

15. Steam Room.  This room is filled with steam and the home of two wraiths.  The door N leads up to level 2.

16. Caves.  A flame salamander inhabits this hot steamy cave.  There is a secret passage leading to the S where the flame salamander goes to prey on other inhabitants of this dungeon.  The passage to the N ends in a one way door leading into the hobgoblin warrens.

Anyone entering level six will take 1 point of heat damage each turn unless protected against ordinary heat.

17. There are three orcs guarding this area.  They protected against the heating effects on this level by amulets.  2 great axes, 1 spear.  One orc will go to warn the dragons if intruders are detected.

18.  There are 4 orcs and 1 ogre in this chamber.  They will rush to defend the dragon.

19.  There is 1 hell hound, 2 orcs and 1 ogre in this room.  They will defend the dragon.

20.  There is 1 hell hound in this room.  It will defend the dragon.

21. There is 1 hell hound in this room.

22. There are 3 hell hounds in this room.

23. Dragon Room.  There is a tapestry along the S wall of this room depicting a large red dragon sitting on a hoard of gold.  The dragon will hide behind the tapestry if alerted to intruders and use its breath weapon through the tapestry on the invaders as the initial attack.

Here is start of a pseudo 3D drawing of the first part of the map I just did.

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